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Warm Data Lab
SFG invites you to participate in an interactive conversation on Wednesday 19th of February following the Warm Data Lab practice established by Nora Bateson. Please RSVP!
Autumn Meet & Connect
Join SFG and Positive Finance Network for our Autumn Meet & Connect. Let's get together as autumn approaches!
Summer Meet & Connect
Rejoignez SFG et le Positive Finance Network pour notre Summer Meet & Connect. Réunissons-nous et profitons du début de l'été !
Global Impact Investing Network - Impact Investing in listed equities
Join us at our event with the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) on the 13th of June from 5 pm!
SFG invites you to their 2024 General Assembly, on Tuesday, May 28, 2024. The AG will be followed by a discussion and debate on Scaling Impact, followed by a moment of celebration over a cocktail. We look forward to seeing you there!
Spring Meet & Connect
Join SFG and the Positive Finance Network for our Spring Meet & Connect. Let's come together and enjoy the beginning of spring!
Warm Data Lab
SFG invites you to participate in an interactive conversation on Thursday 7th of March following the Warm Data Lab practice established by Nora Bateson. Please RSVP!
SFG Christmas Party
Get ready for a jolly good time! Join us for a festive evening of holiday cheer, delicious treats, and merry mingling at the SFG Christmas Party!
SFG at Geneva Peace Week
Our President, Marie-Laure Schaufelberger, will be moderating a discussion during Geneva Peace Week. The session is organized by UNDP and will focus on the evolving responsibilities of energy companies in conflict-affected areas, and will include discussion of the evolving regulatory developing, for example enhanced human rights due diligence requirements expected in the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD).
Autumn Meet & Connect
Join SFG and the Positive Finance Network for our Autumn Meet & Connect. Let's come together and add some colours to the grey month of November!
Ideas for Breakfast: Sustainable Finance Accountability in Emerging Markets
SFG and the World Bank are co-hosting this morning discussion with Orsolya Szekely, Secretary of the World Bank’s Accountability Mechanism. The event will be an opportunity to discuss the importance of accountability mechanisms in the context of scaling up sustainable financing in emerging markets and developing economies.
SFG at Building Bridges 2023
Join us at the 4th Edition of Building Bridges where SFG, as a founding partner, will be running a series of important discussions and launching exciting new initiatives.
SFG 15-Year Anniversary Party
Join us for a rooftop soirée to celebrate the 15th anniversary of SFG!
2023 SFG General Assembly
Join us for our 15th Annual General Meeting taking place at the Palais Eynard, May 11 from 17h-20h.
Ideas for Breakfast: Shaping Equitable, Nature Positive Markets for Planet and Portfolios
Join another Ideas for Breakfast session featuring two experts from NatureFinance to hear about opportunities and challenges to delivering on the potential upsides of nature markets.
Special Webinar: Ethics & Trust in Finance
The Ethics and Trust in Finance Prize asks people under the age of 35 working in or studying finance to reimagine financial systems. Join SFG and the Obervatoire de la Finance, as we feature a selection of the past winners of the Prize to share their unique ideas about trust and ethics in the financial system.
Spring Meet & Connect
Our Spring Meet & Connect with Positive Finance Network will take place on March 29th at 6PM.
Gender Lens Investing: A Value-Driver for Business
On March 8, the Gender Lens Initiative for Switzerland will be cohosting a new webinar with Building Bridges and 2X Collaborative.
Biodiversity Fresk - May 12
The collaborative Biodiversity Fresk workshop will teach you about nature science and ecosystem services, and empower you to take action.
Climate Fresk - March 24
The collaborative Climate Fresk workshop will teach you the fundamental science behind climate change and empower you to take action.
Ideas for Breakfast - 19 Jan: Being a Responsible Investor on Nuclear Weapons
Join us for another edition of Ideas for Breakfast on January 19 this time featuring 2017 Nobel Peace Prize Winner, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). They will share findings from the report “Risky Returns” and discuss how investors may engage in reducing nuclear dangers.
SFG Christmas Party
SFG's Christmas Party will take place December 15 from 18-20h at Little Barrel, 15 Rue du Lac in Eaux-Vives. Wine and canapés will be served in a festive after-work ambiance.
Ideas for Breakfast: State of Finance for Nature (SFG Members Only)
Join us at a members-only breakfast unpack the findings of the newly released State of Finance for Nature report by the UN Environment Programme
Meet & Connect | Nov. 10 | 6PM
We're back with another edition of our Meet & Connect event taking place on 10 November at 6PM in collaboration with our partners at the Positive Finance Network. This autumn drink will feature a short spotlight on climate and COP27.
Ideas for Breakfast: SDG Impact Indicators (SFG Members Only)
Join us at a members-only breakfast to discuss about the implementation of SDG impact Indicators. Following a thought paper written by Cedric Lombard, we would like to invite you to give your inputs and reflect on how the implementation of the framework could be improved.
Swiss Youth for Climate et Nomads foundation organisent un brunch pour débattre de la question des investissements durables.
Swiss Youth for Climate et Nomads foundation organisent un brunch pour débattre de la question des investissements durables.
Meet & Connect | June 22 | 18:30
As part of the Meet & Connect series, SFG and the Positive Finance Network's next gathering will take place on June 22 to celebrate the summer solstice. At this event, we will also cheers to the official creation of Swisox and tell our community all about the latest developments of this exciting project.
GLIS Book Reading | June 27 | 17h
Join us for this exciting book launch presentation by Mary Ellen Iskenderian and get to know more about what it really takes to empower women.
Innovative finance for health I May 4 I 14h00
Sustainable Finance Geneva is hosting a session at the Geneva Health Forum (GHF), a forum that brings together key actors to help find solutions to global health challenges.
FC4S State of Play Report Webinar | Mar 10 | 9h30 or 16h
The UNDP-hosted Financial Centres for Sustainability (FC4S) is hosting two webinars on the key takeaways from the 2021 state of play report.
Meet & Connect | Mar 9 | 18h30
Let's meet up for drinks on March 9th at Grand Central Food Hall anytime after 18h30 to meet, connect, re-connect, and more...
GLIS Anniversary Webinar | Mar 8 | 16h
Join SFG and Alphamundi for the first anniversary of the GenderLens Initiative for Switzerland (GLIS) and participate in a one-hour webinar happening on International Women’s Day
Peace Finance Session at the Fragility Forum | Mar 7 | 20h30
SFG is collaborating on a session during the World Bank Fragility Forum on private sector investment models for peace. The Forum is free and conducted online, our session takes place 14h30 Washington DC time, 20h30 in Geneva.
Meet & Exchange | Mar 2 | 12h
SFG's first Meet & Exchange will take place at the upcoming Innovate4Water event. Join us for lunch with a panoramic view of the Ville de Genève and stimulating conversations exploring water and nature finance.
SFG event on Peace during Building Bridges Week
Peace-building can be an opportunity for the Financial market. The financial Industry can and must act to safeguard peace and prevent conflicts.
SFG event on Food during Building Bridges Week
Over time, fields are lacking fertility, endangering the whole humanity. To successfully achieve the SDG food related goals (SDGs 2, 12 and 15) a collaborative approach between diversified organizations is essential.
GLIS session during Building Bridges Week
This session of the SFG Gender Lens Initiative for Switzerland (GLIS) will showcase the latest news, trends and standards of Gender Lens Investing and SDG5, feature GLI products across different asset classes, and share GLIS results from its first year of activity in 2021 and its plans for 2022.
GSSF 2021
You are invited to attend the 2021 Geneva Summit on Sustainable Finance that will take place on the 30th of November 2021 at the Forum Genève and on-line.
Building Bridges Leaders
Why is Building Bridges unique?
What catalysts are needed to transition to sustainable development?
What to expect from the 2021 edition?
Discover the Leaders behind the Building Bridges Movement.
What catalysts are needed to transition to sustainable development?
What to expect from the 2021 edition?
Discover the Leaders behind the Building Bridges Movement.
Meet & Connect | 4.11 | 18h30
Are you passionate about sustainable finance and like to network? Join the next Meet and Connect event and on November 4, 2021, in Musée d'Art et Histoire in Geneva.
Media Workshop
Building Bridges, Switzerland’s flagship sustainable finance initiative, releases 2021 event program.
Les 10ans des Rencontres du Management Durable
Les entreprises genevoises à l'heure du développement durable.
Dans les faits, on constate que mettre en œuvre les principes du développement durable permet de dynamiser la gestion des entreprises, de gagner en cohérence et en performance globale.
Dans les faits, on constate que mettre en œuvre les principes du développement durable permet de dynamiser la gestion des entreprises, de gagner en cohérence et en performance globale.
Building Bridges passe en mode participatif
La semaine genevoise de la finance durable, qui se tiendra du 29 novembre au 2 décembre, lance un appel aux entreprises, ONG et autres organisations souhaitant mettre sur pied des événements pendant ces journées.
GFSI 2021
La douzième édition du GFSI, Geneva Forum for Sustainable Investment, mettra à l’honneur les acteurs de l’actualité financière responsable et présentera les solutions les plus innovantes répondant aux enjeux cruciaux de nos économies en transition.
Shining a light on the Social Dimension of Sustainable Finance
Sustainable investing has experienenced an impressive growth in recent years. However, as the focus on environmental dimension is increasingly consolidating, the social dimension of sustainable finance is lagging behind.
Building Bridges: Geneva Sustainable Finance Summit gears up for second edition
At the end of November, Geneva will pull out all the stops in proving itself a world centre for discussions on sustainable finance.
Meet & Connect | 8.09 | 18h30
Le but est de réunir des individus aux valeurs communes ayant des liens avec Genève et travaillant dans les secteurs de la finance durable...
Jeudi 2.09 | 18h30-20h | La finance durable peut-elle sauver le monde ?
Découvrez le programme complet de la 7e édition du Festival Alternatiba
Decarbonising cities |1 september 2021 | stadion wankdorf | Bern & online
Discover the full programme & register
27 october | Re-imagining capitalism for our future
Invest2030 webinar – climate action opportunities
On the 24th of June, AlphaMundi Group Ltd in partnership with Phenix Capital Group will host its 2nd webinar on products that can help us combat climatechange and its impact.
Opportunity to join this webinar: today 08 june 16:00 cest
You will hear from international organizations who will present their initiatives on Gender Lens and will discuss how they leverage the #Geneva ecosystems to reach their goals.
UNIGE Webinar : Human rights in the finance industry | 4 may 2021
Sustainability conversations in the finance industry have mainly been focused on the environmental dimension of ‘ESG’, with much less attention being paid to the social dimension, which includes human rights.
C’est parti ! l’édition Building Bridges 2021 est lancée
Découvrez l’édition Building Bridges 2021 et inscrivez-vous au Call pour Events. Building Bridges a besoin de vous!
Premier webinaire gender lens initiative switzerland 21 avril
Rejoignez notre premier webinaire du Gender Lens Initiative for Switzerland (GLIS) le mercredi 21 avril de 15h00 à 16h00 CET !
RI Switzerland 2021 : Fabio Sofia will be a speaker on 29 april
What do the latest ESG regulatory developments and thematic trends mean for the Swiss financial sector?
Sustainable Finance Week : 7-11 june 2021
Private wealth financing sustainability : listen to Fabio Sofia on 9 June 2021
23 march 2021 : Webkonferenz von BCV & Ethos
Aktien Schweiz: Wie Investoren von einem umfassenden und bewährten Nachhaltigkeitsansatz profitieren können
25 mars 2021 : web conférence bcv & ethos
Actions suisses: comment profiter des avantages d’une approche durable éprouvée?
SDG Business dialogue – 11 march 2021
Regional Forum on Sustainable Development - 24 février 2021
Human rights in the finance industry – december 10th, 2019
Join the University of Geneva’s Center for Business and Human Rights, the University of Sydney, and Sustainable Finance Geneva on International Human Rights Day
Building Bridges Summit 2019 : le discours de Fabio Sofia
Président de SFG, Fabio Sofia a ouvert le Building Bridges Summit le 10 octobre dernier au Bâtiment des Forces Motrices.
Building Bridges Week – where finance and SDG connect
Plus de 30 institutions actives dans le domaine de la finance durable organisent des événements.
Assemblée générale 2019
Les 10 ans de Sustainable Finance Geneva
Vous étiez nombreux à venir célébrer les 10 ans de SFG...
4th Geneva Summit on sustainable finance
Are you interested in envisioning the future of Sustainable Finance?
Innovation in sustainable finance
Finance durable : essor et impact sur la gestion de patrimoine
La finance durable prend de plus en plus d’importance et devient un facteur de différenciation considérable dans la gestion de patrimoine.
La finance peut-elle être durable et responsable ?
18 SEPTEMBRE 2018, Institut National Genevois
Repenser la finance et l’investissement
Green Bonds: l'expérience genevoise
La place financière genevoise s’est récemment distinguée avec les premières émissions obligataires vertes en Suisse.
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