Gender Lens Initiative for Switzerland

The GLIS aims to enhance Switzerland’s contribution to SDG 5, and mobilize more capital from Swiss-based institutions for gender lens investing.

Switzerland is a leading financial centre on the world stage, a nexus for sustainable finance and development efforts and skillsets. Following its pioneering work in microfinance and impact investing, the country is now embracing the next frontier of financial innovation by positioning itself as a global hub for digital finance and gender lens investing.


The GLIS’ engages in three main pillars of work:

  • Establishing industry standards and advocating for their adoption and implementation in Swiss Institutions
  • Completing and disseminating market research related to gender lens investing in Switzerland
  • Promoting and raising awareness of financial innovation and products with a gender lens, as well as SDG 5 more broadly
Quote by Tim Radjy

“The launch of this working group is the result of a seminal Gender Lens meeting convened in Geneva on 7 October 2020 by AlphaMundi and Gender Smart Investing. It is a groundbreaking initiative for the Swiss market that showcases Sustainable Finance Geneva’s role as a platform for innovation and partnerships.”

— Tim Radjy
Member and Treasurer of Supervisory Board, Sustainable Finance Geneva

Chair, Gender Lens Initiative for Switzerland

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2022 GLIS Report

The GLIS Annual Report 2022 offers an overview of the landscape of gender lens investing (GLI) globally and in Switzerland from July 2021 to June 2022. Outlining recent trends relevant to GLI such as COVID-19 and the Care Economy, it also presents recent examples of good practices within the financial and other stakeholder industries. More importantly, it sets forth gaps and opportunities for actors in the Swiss ecosystem on gender lens investing.


The report illustrates how GLI is becoming popularized and more recognizable through standards and certifications, and how increasing attention is being paid to the business case of investing with a gender lens. You will find these topics and much more detailed in the report.



First anniversary of the GLIS:

Investment Products with a Gender Lens:

EDGE Certification:

Gender Lens Investing:

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