From farm to fork: why agriculture needs innovation in finance
C’est la reconnaissance de l’importance de la finance durable par les autorités genevoises qui est à l’origine de notre venue à Milan le 21 septembre prochain. Invitée par la ville au Pavillon Suisse en tant que représentante de cette finance durable, SFG a saisi l’opportunité qui lui était offerte pour montrer, grâce à un large panel d’intervenants, tout le dynamisme et la diversité qu’elle prône.
L’alimentation comme thème de l’exposition
Dès l’origine, la finance durable s’est préoccupée des questions d’agriculture. Le prix Nobel d’économie Muhammad Yunus a créé en 1977 ce qui deviendra quelques années plus tard la Grameen Bank, pour répondre aux difficultés d’accès aux capitaux auxquels étaient confrontés les paysans bangladais. Depuis, le microcrédit c’est fortement répandu à travers le monde et d’autres questions ont émergé.
Comment fournir une alimentation de qualité à une population toujours plus nombreuse représente indubitablement l’un des enjeux centraux de notre siècle.
Au-delà de la seule dimension quantitative, de nombreuses préoccupations concernant les aspects éthique, la qualité, la durabilité des exploitations et l’impact environnemental ont émergé depuis. Ces problématiques nouvelles nécessitent une réponse financière différente et c’est pourquoi nous avons tenu à faire interagir des acteurs issus d’horizons aussi divers.
La journée s’articule autour de deux tables rondes distinctes : How can the financial sector contribute to a sustainable agriculture? et Innovative finance for food and agiculture.
Guided tour of the Swiss pavilion
WELCOME: FABIO SOFIA is vice-president of Sustainable Finance Geneva and works for Symbiotics, a leading company in impact investments in emerging market with a specialization in microfinance.
GENEVA 2030: ALEXANDRE EPALLE is deputy Secretary General in charge of economic affairs at the Geneva State department of Security and Economy . Previously director of the cantonal sustainable development office, he has a long standing experience in sustainable development.
TENKE ZOLTANI is an experienced investment manager in the fields of sustainable finance, philanthropy and value chains. Bringing innovation and creative solutions in those fields, she founds Better Finance in 2013.
MARIE OWENS-THOMSEN is Chief Economist at Crédit Agricole Private Banking, Marie Owens Thomsen is regularly contacted by newspapers and TV news program for her expertise in macroeconomic analysis.
SERGE VERNIAU is a leading expert in alternative sustainable foods, he is at the origin of the first project of sustainable insect farming of the FAO. He worked for the FAO for almost 10 years.
ELENA JACHIA has dedicated all her professional life to the management of environmental issues. She is currently Director of the Environmental Sector of Cariplo Foundation. Established in 1991, the Foundation is one of the main philanthropic organizations in Italy and in Europe.
AYMERIC JUNG is a Business Developer, his strong interest for Impact Investing and Sustainable Finance brought him to launch Slow Money Francophone in 2013. He has a 15 years expertise in Equities and Fund Structuring.
NABIL ABDUL-MASSIH is the Chief Executive Director of Inoks Capital, Nabil has a strong field experience in industrial and finance investment in the emerging markets. He develops ethical and innovative solutions.
ERIC ARCHAMBEAU is an investment expert in the high tech field. He has 20 years of experience in founding, financing and investing in young technology companies and has founded the Social Entrepreneurship Department of the INSEAD. He is currently Senior General Partner at Wellington Partners Venture Capital and Chairman of the board at Quadia .
GUILHEM CHÉRON is the founder of La ruche qui dit oui, an Internet platform linking directly local producers and customers. The company is a large network with more than 700 “ruches” and 4000 producers across France, Belgium, UK, Germany and Spain. He is also member of Fermes d’Avenir (http://www.fermesdavenir.org)
DAVID DIAZ is a research analyst at responsibility Investments AG. The company is one of the world’s leading asset managers in the field of development investments. They provide solutions for both private and institutional investors.