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Interview of the Month: Dominic Hofstetter
Discover our exclusive interview with Dominic Hofstetter, Executive Director of the TransCap Initiative, as he shares his vision on systemic investing and its crucial role in transforming economic and financial systems. He discusses key lessons from prototypes in Switzerland, the impact of global political dynamics on sustainable investment, and the changes needed to rethink our approach to finance.
Interview of the Month: André Hoffmann
This month we had the great opportunity of interviewing André Hoffmann, a strong champion of sustainable business and an inspiring leader paving the way for new models of collaboration and action. We asked him about a range of catalytic initiatives he is involved with including a new Nature Finance that will make Switzerland a pioneer in this crucial area of sustainable finance.
Call for mentors 2025: GIIA Mentorship Program
Sustainable Finance Geneva (SFG) and the Geneva Impact Investing Association (GIIA) have joined forces to empower the next generation of sustainable finance professionals. This program will provide an opportunity for students to learn from experienced sustainable finance professionals and build their skills and knowledge. SFG is calling on its members and community to participate in this unique program as mentors.
5 Questions for 2025
In this special Interview of the Month, the SFG Team and the CSS (Surveillance and Strategy Committee) answer five questions that reflect back on 2024 and forward to 2025. Learn more about what is on our radar as we enter a new year.
SFG is Hiring: Communications Intern
We are currently searching for a bilingual intern to join our team 15 hours per week to support Communications activities.
Launching the Nature Hub
The SFG's Nature Hub is a platform designed to help businesses and investors integrate nature finance into their strategies by providing data, tools, key stakeholders, and concrete recommendations to support biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration.
Interview of the month: Barbara Buchner from Climate Policy Initiative
Barbara Buchner, Executive Director of the Climate Policy Initiative (CPI), explores the critical role of climate finance in the transition to a resilient, low-carbon economy. In this interview, she discusses the challenges of financing adaptation, the importance of mobilizing private capital, and innovative solutions to bridge investment gaps, particularly for developing economies and gender-responsive initiatives.
Interview of the month: Karen Hitschke from Building Bridges
Karen Hitschke, Executive Director of Building Bridges, shares how this initiative became a global platform connecting finance and sustainability. Its fifth edition will focus on impact investing, nature finance, and the just transition, strengthening collaboration between public and private stakeholders.
Interview of the month: Sam Sambuila from Impact Eco Group
This month, Sam Sambuila, President of Impact Eco Group, shared with us in an interview the organization’s commitment to addressing the pressing environmental and development challenges in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Blessed and cursed at the same time by a huge wealth of natural resources, the DRC faces significant issues such as deforestation, biodiversity loss, and corruption - all affecting the well-being for local communities. Sam highlights the organisation’s multi-sectored initiatives, including sustainable agriculture and mining projects, but also its partnerships with academic institutions in Europe to facilitate local capacity building and promote ethical financial practices. Today, Impact Eco Group is part of the new wave of change-makers pushing for more transparent investment climate through anti-corruption training and sustainable finance advocacy in the DRC.
Interview of the month: Martin Rohner from Global Alliance for Banking on Values
This month, we interviewed Martin Rohner from Global Alliance for Banking on Values to discuss his vision of a banking model that serves the people and the planet by facilitating industry transformation, improving impact measurement, and promoting of social equity in banking.
Interview of the month - David Albertani from Catalytic Finance
This month, we interviewed David Albertani from Catalytic Finance to discuss how the foundation focuses on developing and financing sustainable infrastructure projects.
SFG is Hiring: Communications Intern
We are currently searching for a bilingual intern to join our team 15 hours per week to support Communications activities.
Interview of the Month - Gerrit Sindermann from the Green Fintech Network
The Green Fintech Network's goal is to foster innovations that support the green transition of the financial sector. Their President, Gerrit Sindermann, explains the role of fintech innovations in advancing sustainable finance, how the association came into place, their goals and main initiatives, and the challenges green fintechs face.
Interview of the month: Diana Culillas from Swiss Better Gold Association
Diana Cullilas, CEO of the Swiss Better Gold Association, sheds light on the importance of responsible gold sourcing. Delving into the gold industry's intricate supply chain, she gives us an overview of Swiss Better Gold's key initiatives and offers valuable insights on enhancing due diligence for investors.
Spotlight on SFG's Gender Activities with FC4S
This International Women's Day, we reflect on SFG's commitment to Gender Equality and its work with the FC4S Gender Working Group.
Interview of the Month: Noora Puro on GRI's new mining standard (GRI14)
This month, we interviewed Noora Puro, Senior Manager of Standards at GRI, shedding light on GRI's latest initiative: the new mining standard. She explains the rationale behind targeting this sector, the comprehensive scope of the mining industry, the sustainability topics addressed by the standard, and its potential benefits for investors.
?Call for mentors: Geneva Impact Investing Association
The Geneva Impact Investing Association (GIIA) invites you to join them in shaping the next generation of impact investors as mentors !
Preventing greenwashing in the Swiss financial sector: latest developments
Greenwashing is seen, both in Switzerland and abroad, as a major risk to the implementation of effective sustainability policies. Efforts to combat greenwashing are therefore intensifying. Among the most recent developments occurred in Switzerland, this paper covers the Federal Council's decision of October 2023 to regulate by ordinance its strategy for combating greenwashing and the guideline published last December by the Swiss Commission for Fair Trading on green marketing.
Interview of the Month: Davos Key Takeaways
Come discover the key insights from the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos 2024 and key takeaways from members of the SFG community! Leaders emphasized the urgency of collaboration for challenges like climate change and AI governance.
Annual Report 2023
Our 2023 Annual Report is now available and we are looking forward to your reading. It regroups all the essential information and highlights the key events that took place at SFG in 2023.
Interview of the Month : SIF
In November, the Federal Council published a position on greenwashing. In the position, they stated more needs to be done to ensure there is common understanding about the criteria needed to label a financial product sustainable. We sat down with Christoph Baumann, Envoy for Sustainable Finance at SIF, and Eszter Major, Lawyer at SIF, to learn more about how SIF will take the greenwashing position forward and other initiatives they have underway to enhance the sustainability of the Swiss financial centre.
SFG at the UN Business and Human Rights Forum
SFG attended the 2023 UN Business and Human Rights Forum. Here we provide an overview of the UN Guiding Principles of Business and Human Rights and capture some key takeaways for our community.
SFG is Hiring: Communications Intern
We are currently searching for a bilingual intern to join our team 15 hours per week to support Communications activities.
The Swiss Stewardship Code: moving from financial materiality to double materiality
On October 4, the Asset Management Association Switzerland (AMAS) and Swiss Sustainable Finance (SSF) published the Swiss Stewardship Code. In the form of nine principles, the Code lays out a framework to facilitate positive-impact investments.
Key Takeaways from Building Bridges 2023
Another edition of Building Bridges has come and gone and as the movement grows so too does the quality and diversity of the dialogue that happens within the conference program. This year, SFG strove to bring unique, forward-thinking topics to the agenda. Here are three key takeaways from each of our main events.
Sustainable investments by Swiss pension funds: where do we stand?
The Federal Council confirmed in its report of August 30, 2023 that Swiss law neither prohibits nor prevents pension funds to implement sustainable investment strategies. As a result, in response to a parliamentary postulate calling for a revision of the law, the Swiss government concluded that the existing framework is sufficient. This contribution will present the conclusions of the report and discuss some (still) pending issues.
Interview of the Month : TNFD
After the 2015 Paris Agreement, the TCFD was established to improve climate-related financial reporting. It aimed to provide comprehensive information about climate impacts, risks, and opportunities. Similarly, the TNFD offers guidance on nature-related risks and opportunities. We interviewed the UN Global Compact Network for Switzerland and Liechtenstein on the occasion of the TNFD's newly published recommendations.
Launching Sustainable Finance Geneva Map
We are pleased to announce the official launch of our Sustainable Finance Geneva Map. This interactive tool maps over 250 organizations working to advance sustainable finance in Geneva and the broader Romandie. We believe it is crucial for Geneva to further strengthen its position as a key sustainable finance centre globally and this map is a crucial tool in fostering a strong, united community.
Launching the Peace Finance Hub
We are pleased to announce the official launch of our Peace Finance Hub at SFG. This comprehensive tool is crafted to enrich your understanding of the intricacies associated with promoting peace finance. The dashboard provides valuable insights and practical knowledge to empower you to take proactive steps towards engaging in meaningful actions in this field.
Interview of the Month : Alexandre de Senarclens
Published in the form of a personal contribution co-authored with Hristina Stoyanova, Alexandre de Senarclens revisits for SFG the article he wrote last June for the newspaper Le Temps. Here, he proposes an amendment to OPP2 aimed at encouraging pension funds to adopt more sustainable investments. In this interview, we explore these issues, as well as the wider dynamic between the political and financial worlds.
Launching Gender Finance Hub
We are pleased to announce the official launch of our Gender Dashboard at SFG. This comprehensive tool is designed to enhance your comprehension of the complexities associated with attaining gender equality and the concept of gender lens investing. The dashboard furnishes valuable insights and practical knowledge to empower you to proactively engage in meaningful actions in this field.
Interview of the Month : Marie-Laure Schaufelberger - "A new vision of growth"
This month, Anne Barrat from the newspaper Le Temps interviewed our president, Marie-Laure Schaufelberger, about her new vision of growth. This vision is focused on a transition towards a decarbonized and just economy, aiming to contribute to the well-being of all the inhabitants of the planet.
SFG is Hiring: Communications Intern
We are currently searching for a bilingual intern to join our team 15 hours per week to support Communications activities.
SFG Summer Book Recommendation List 2023
Escape into the realm of books this summer with our curated selection of captivating reads. From fiction novels to thought-provoking non-fiction, our book recommendations will not only entertain you but also explore various sustainability subjects in a pleasant and engaging manner! Happy Summer!
Interview of the Month : Dorothée Baumann-Pauly on Human Rights and Finance
This month, we interviewed Dorothée Baumann-Pauly, director of the Geneva Center for Business and Human Rights, about the ability of financial institutions to advance human rights and challenges to capture human rights performance. She also explains the influence of the new CSDD Directive on these questions.
Integration of clients' ESG preferences into investment advice and portfolio management: overview of the new Guidelines of the Swiss Bankers Association (Part I)
On January 1, 2023, the new "Guidelines for the financial service providers on the integration of ESG-preferences and ESG-risks into investment advice and portfolio management" from the Swiss Bankers Association (SBA) came into force. Transitional periods apply to enable the financial institutions concerned to implement these new rules into their processes. This paper provides a preliminary overview of the main features of the SBA Guidelines.
Interview on the Month : Antoine Amiguet on Swiss Regulatory Developments
This month, we sat down with Antoine Amiguet, one of our CSS members and a partner at Oberson Abels, about the latest FINMA consultation on environmental risks and other regulatory developments in the Swiss financial center. He explains the process, takeaways, and expected outcomes for financial institutions
Interview on the Month : The 13th World Chambers Congress
This month, we interviewed Vincent Subilia, Director General of the Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services (CCIG), about the incoming 13th World Chambers Congress in Geneva, the biggest global platform for chamber leaders and professionals to exchange ideas, network, learn about innovation, and tackle current business issues affecting their communities. He explains its relevance and the importance of sustainability issues for businesses in Geneva and globally.
Interview of the Month: Climate Fresk
This month, we sat down with professional facilitators, Marina Protopopoff and Julien Zory, who are helping our members understand the fundamental science of climate change and biodiversity. They told us more about the Climate Fresk movement and how it's changing the way people understand and interact with the biggest challenges of our time.
Findings from the latest Equileap Report
Every year Equileap publishes its Gender Equality Global Report & Ranking, which analyses 3,787 public companies around the world based on 19 gender equality criteria. We took the liberty of compiling the key findings globally and in Switzerland. Read now
Call for GLIS Ambassadors
The Gender Lens Initiative for Switzerland is proud to announce the creation of a one-year pilot Ambassadors program, running from May 2023 to May 2024. We are searching 4-5 ambassadors.
How Regulatory Developments Contribute to SDG 5 & 10?
In collaboration with Pictet, we have put together a special law review dedicated to genre.
SHE Changes Climate or How to Close the Gender Gap and Accelerate Climate Action
This month, for this special edition of our newsletter dedicated to gender, we had the privilege to interview Elise Buckle and Dominique Brustlein-Bobst, respectively Co-Founder and Ambassador for SHE Changes Climate.
Impact Measurement: between Solutions and Challenges
This month, we interviewed Tom Adams, co-founder and chief strategy officer at 60 Decibels, a company that specializes in data collection for impact measurement. He helps us to understand the complex world of impact measurement by debunking old persistent myths and he is providing us with solutions to truly modernize our impact measurement practices.
Event Summary: Being a Responsible Investor on Nuclear Weapons
On January 19, SFG hosted the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) at an Ideas for Breakfast session with our members and the community.
Gender Considerations in Private Asset Impact Funds in Emerging & Frontier Markets
In 2022, the Gender Lens Initaitive for Switzerland (GLIS) worked with Tameo Impact Fund Solutions to permanently add a gender lens section to the methodology of their annual Private Asset Impact Fund (PAIF) Report. See the key findings in our infographic and blog post.
Swiss Federal Council Reports on Sustainable Finance
Oberson Abels briefly explains the two recent documents published by the Swiss Federal Council intended to give an update on the progress made in the past few years in sustainable finance and to highlight some forthcoming developments. The Council presents ways to fight greenwashing and highlights 15 measures to be implemented from now until 2025 to further consolidate Switzerland's position to play a leading role in sustainable finance.
SFG's 15th Year Anniversary: Tour de Table with SFG's Founders!
For our 15th year anniversary, we asked our founding members to look at what has been accomplished in the field of sustainable finance over the past 15 years and what are the challenges that still need to be overcome to make sustainable finance truly mainstream. Here are some of their thoughts.
Ideas for Breakfast - 19 Jan: Being a Responsible Investor on Nuclear Weapons
Join us for another edition of Ideas for Breakfast on January 19 this time featuring 2017 Nobel Peace Prize Winner, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). They will share findings from the report “Risky Returns” and discuss how investors may engage in reducing nuclear dangers.
Event Summary: State of Finance for Nature
On December 6, we were pleased to host another Ideas for Breakfast event. This time, we had the opportunity to have as guests the UN Environment Program (UNEP) Team so they could impact for our members their new State of Finance for Nature report they just released.
What to Expect at COP15 on Biodiversity and the Role of Private Finance
This month, we interviewed Ivo Mulder, Head of the Climate Finance Unit at UN Environment Programme. He shed light on the many opportunities that nature finance presents, the evolving world of nature-related risk disclosure, and the private finance industry’s levers in preserving and restoring biodiversity, including some specific ideas for Geneva-based actors.
Innovation in Health Finance
This month, we had the chance to talk with Pradeep Kakkattil, Co-Founder Health Innovation Exchange. Mr. Kakkattil touched on the critical role the private sector and private financing can play in scaling access to healthcare and saving lives. The COVID-19 pandemic showed us how fragile and vulnerable how health care systems were, thus emphasizing the need for more resilitent systems to ensure our economic development and future are not imperiled.
Look Back: SFG at Building Bridges 2022
SFG took part in 3 events at the latest Building Bridges Week, a ground-breaking event connecting finance with the SDGs. Here are our highlights.
The Gender Lens Initiative for Switzerland Launches 2022 Annual Report
The Gender Lens Initiative for Switzerland (GLIS) announced the release of the 2022 Annual Report on the state of Gender Lens Investing in Switzerland during Building Bridges Week in Geneva.
Nature Finance: the Next Wave
This month we spoke with Dr. Simon Zadek, soon to be the first Executive Director of NatureFinance. Core to our discussion was how best to scale market-shaping policies, innovation, and citizen action to make nature count in global finance. We also discussed how the unique Geneva and Swiss ecosystems are creating a global centre of excellence in nature finance.
La Genève internationale et l’urgence climatique
Secrétaire général de l’organisation mondiale de la météorologie OMM de 2004 à 2015, Michel Jarraud est l’auteur du rapport « La Genève internationale et l’urgence climatique ». Dans l'interview de ce mois-ci, il partage les conclusions de cette nouvelle publication et son point de vue sur la manière d'accélérer l'action climatique.
Greenwashing – Overview of European and Swiss initiatives (Part II)
It is now impossible to talk about sustainable finance without mentioning the risk of greenwashing. Part II of this series discusses the initiatives and measures in Switzerland to address the concerns about greenwashing.
Open Innovation for Sustainable Finance
The dates of the Sustainable Finance Hackathon 2022 were recently announced so we took the opportunity to sit down with Thomas Maillart, the President of Open Geneva to learn more about how we can leverage open innovation to advance sustainable finance and to explore how the SFG community can participate in their upcoming Hackathon!
La Genève International – État des lieux 2022
La fondation pour Genève vient de publier son dernier rapport sur l’état des lieux de la Genève internationale. Dans ce rapport, Michel Jarraud, a analysé l’écosystème genevois afin de souligner les forces et les faiblesses du pôle genevois et d’en tirer un ensemble de recommandations.
Greenwashing – Overview of European and Swiss initiatives (Part I)
It is now impossible to talk about sustainable finance without mentioning the risk of greenwashing. Both the legislator and the financial market supervisory authorities consider it a major challenge to the effective transition to a low-carbon economy.
Meet Our New President
SFG's General Assembly saw the election of our New President, Marie-Laure Schaufelberger. In our Interview of the Month, we ask Marie-Laure about her vision for the organization and the unique role SFG plays in advancing a sustainable future.
Nous recrutons un(e) responsable administratif(ve)
Nous sommes à la recherche d'un(e) responsable administratif(ve) à temps partiel. Il s'agit d'une excellente occasion de rejoindre notre équipe et de contribuer à la finance durable.
Blending Human Intelligence and Machine Learning to Make Investment Decisions
In these turbulent times, everyone is struggling to make sense of the geopolitical risks that are on the horizon. We sat down with Gagik Sargsyan the CEO of Polixis to better understand how data and technology can help.
Meet GLIS' New Vice President - Sarah Djari
Sarah Djari is the new Vice President of the Gender Lens Initiative for Switzerland. She is an accomplished impact investor with practical experience in applying a gender lens to financial product creation. Get to know her and her views on the importance of gender lens investing.
How FINMA is taking actions for greater transparency in the marketplace
In this paper, Oberson Abels addresses the state of the Swiss regulatory framework on climate-related financial risks through the example of the revision of FINMA Circulars' 2016/1 "Disclosure-banks" and 2016/2 "Disclosure-insurers".
Overcoming Barriers to Scaling Impact
Impact finance continues to gain traction but challenges still exist that prevent it from meetings its full potential. Patrick Elmer, the CEO of iGravity, sat down with us to discuss unique investment solutions and how tackling key barriers through novel solutions can drive capital to the SDGs.
Rapport d'activité 2021
SFG vient de publier son rapport d'activité pour 2021!
La finance durable peut-elle sauver le monde?
Sustainable finance geneva (SFG) s’est créé en 2008 avec la conviction que la finance doit changer de perspective.
Building Bridges 2022 Call for Events
Building Bridges has launched a Call for Events for its 2022 Edition. Organizations can submit their proposals until April 22.
Letter to my daughter written on Woman's day
SFG's Vice-President, Marie-Laure Schaufelberger, penned this touching letter to her daughter on International Women's Day that paints a picture of hope for what sustainable finance can achieve.
Three young people on a world tour to tell SDG Impact Stories
A world tour of SDG Impact Stories kicked off last month from Switzerland, three young people are traveling to 20 different countries to capture the stories of 50+ social entrepreneurs who are using business to achieve the SDGs. We interviewed them to find out more.
Increased transparency in the context of non-financial reporting duties (Part II)
In this paper, Oberson Abels takes a closer look at the role assigned to transparency by climate policies and how it materializes in the new Swiss regulations about non-financial reporting duties.
Strong growth in sustainable finance but removing some barriers and more collaboration is needed - report
The third annual State of Play report by the UNDP-hosted Financial Centres for Sustainability (FC4S) Network has identified several key areas where more focus is required to underpin progress around the sustainable finance agenda.
ICRC's new fund links humanitarian response and environmental action
SFG caught up with Peter Maurer, President of the ICRC, to learn more about its new Climate and Energy Transition Fund - what it aims to achieve, and how the finance industry and other private sector players can be involved in this mechanism and others in the future.
Meet our Community Manager
SFG is proud to announce the arrival of our new Community Manager, Kali Taylor. Kali started her position on January 15 and has already hit the ground running. Here’s everything you need to know about her and what she will be doing to support SFG members and stakeholders.
Increased transparency in the context of non-financial reporting duties (Part I)
In this paper, Oberson Abels takes a closer look at the role assigned to transparency by climate policies and how it materializes in the new EU regulations about non-financial reporting duties.
Applications now open: GLIS Vice President
To advance our mission, GLIS is currently looking for a Vice President, a transformative leader who can help increase industry awareness, collaborate with partners, inspire donors, and stimulate innovation.
Comment la finance contribue à la paix
Une obligation pour la paix sera lancée début 2022 de Genève. Ce «peace bond» veut financer des projets économiquement viables dans les pays les plus fragiles de la planète, en offrant un rendement attractif aux investisseurs.
David Nabarro: Geneva’s finance and aid world must take risks and work together
To make food systems sustainable, the finance sector and the international organisations must take the plunge and cross over to the other side of the lake, said David Nabarro, senior adviser to the UN food summit, on the occasion of Building Bridges held in Geneva last week.
Les banques face à l’agenda 2030
Le contraste entre les engagements de certains établissements et leurs pratiques est plus frappant. Par Tim Radjy.
Berne déploie sa riposte sur la finance climatique
Au forum de Genève, le Conseil fédéral crée la surprise et promet une «notation climatique».
Building Bridges: les temps forts du sommet
Building Bridges, le grand rendez-vous de la finance durable s'est terminé vendredi. Son président, Patrick Odier, a ouvert lundi le sommet à la Maison de la Paix, à Genève, en présence du conseiller fédéral Ueli Maurer et de la présidente du Groupe des Nations unies pour le développement durable, Amina Mohammed.
Libérer la liquidité
Les actifs privés sont réservés aux investisseurs qualifiés. Un frein considérable à l’investissement d’impact. La solution de Guillaume Bonnel de Credit Suisse.
Switzerland partners with banks to raise $1bn for SDGs
Switzerland is making a bigger foray into impact investing. The government on Wednesday launched a public-private partnership to drive $1bn towards projects with a social and environmental impact in developing countries.
Investir dans l'égalité hommes-femmes: mode d'emploi
La moitié de la population mondiale est délaissée par les investisseurs, qui continuent à considérer les femmes comme une niche. Comment débloquer cette situation, selon des pistes proposées dans le cadre de Building Bridges Week, la série d'événements consacrés à la finance durable organisée à Genève.
Un objectif ambitieux
Tim Radjy d'AlphaMundi veut décupler les avoirs engagés dans la gestion d’impact en Suisse d’ici à 2030.
La finance durable au coeur d'un cycle de conférences à Genève
Les bases pour financer les différents secteurs économiques de manière durable passent par "la transparence, la crédibilité et l'établissement de standards", a plaidé le conseiller fédéral Ueli Maurer en préambule de l'ouverture du cycle de conférences Building Bridges.
Climate responsibility goes beyond nine-to-five job
The finance community and world at large need to go beyond their nine-to-five job and take individual responsibility in making the planet a more sustainable place, the United Nations’ deputy secretary general Amina Mohammed urged at the Building Bridges summit on Monday.
'It’s time to widen the lens of sustainable finance'
The UN climate conference in Glasgow brought fresh commitments from financial institutions to align investments with the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change. However, if unaccompanied by investments to improve the lives of people around the world, the effort may be doomed from the start.
Un momentum vertueux
«Building Bridges ne sera un succès que si les évènements organisés sont pertinents et aboutissent à des résultats concrets». Entretien avec Patrick Odier, président de Building Bridges.
L'invitée de la matinale - Sandrine Salerno
Sandrine Salerno: "La finance durable, c'est le retour du bon sens".
Patrick Odier on why the sustainable finance community is gathering momentum in Geneva
Geneva is the city where both the Red Cross was founded and the U.N. Human Rights Council is headquartered. It’s also a city with a long, storied tradition in banking. Will the combination of humanism and finance define the future of the banking industry moving forward?
Quel avenir pour la finance durable
Entretien avec Sandrine Salerno qui s'exprime, en tant que directrice de SFG, sur la finance durable et sur l'initiative Building Bridges.
Une opportunité de collaborer à la résolution de problèmes mondiaux
Genève a toujours été une place de dialogue. Elle est riche d'un écosystème impressionnant. Elle est donc idéalement positionnée pour accueillir des démarches multilatérales qui visent à à faire converger les puissances de notre monde.
SFG’s Leading Lady Rehashes Geneva’s Defeat
Why did Geneva lose the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) bid to Frankfurt? High hopes that the body—considered key to the future of sustainable finance—were dashed, when the International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation (IFRS) settled on Germany as its final choice.
Le Conseil fédéral adopte le rapport sur la compatibilité climatique du marché financier
Berne, 17.11.2021 - Le Parlement a donné pour mandat au Conseil fédéral d’élaborer un rapport présentant les mesures permettant à la Suisse de rendre ses flux financiers compatibles avec les objectifs climatiques.
Can sustainable finance save the world?
In 70 years, industrialized countries have developed a system of growth and economic development based on fossil fuels, which has led to extreme climate disruption.
Déception pour la finance durable genevoise
Le canton n’accueillera pas l’organisme international appelé à créer les normes comptables du futur, qui incluront des dimensions environnementales. Francfort a été désignée sur la base de considérations d’ordre politique.
Gregoire Haenni, CPEG: Cop needs to be a catalyst for governments and investors to raise ambitions
Speaking ahead of the UN climate talks, Haenni shares his expectations for Cop, how investors can use their influence to mobilise finance needed to deliver on the Paris climate goals, and where the Swiss pension industry stands in greening its portfolios.
L'offensive suisse pour rester à la table de la finance globale
La Confédération et le secteur privé s'activent en coulisses pour faire du pays un centre mondial de la finance durable.
Comment est née la conférence Building Bridges
L’événement, dont la deuxième édition se tiendra fin novembre, incarne la volonté de positionner la Suisse comme la place où la durabilité devait se discuter au niveau international.
Genève se rêve phare mondial de la finance durable
Building Bridges, qui réunit la Genève internationale et la place financière, vise à créer un langage commun afin de mobiliser les capitaux en faveur des objectifs du développement durable. Un immense défi.
Les allocations doivent refléter la montée de puissance de l'économie chinoise
Comme pour la caisse de Pension de l'État de Genève, la plupart des caisses de pension sont exposées à la Chine indirectement, au travers de l'indice MSCI marchés émergents et d'une allocation en dette asiatique.
Building Bridges souhaite s’imposer dans la finance durable
Genève deviendra le centre de convergence de la finance durable durant une semaine de conférences et d’événements, un programme détaillé jeudi par les organisateurs.
Genève pourrait devenir le centre mondial de la comptabilité durable
L’ISSB, nouvellement créé, va édicter les normes environnementales et sociales à intégrer dans les comptes des entreprises. Il pourrait choisir Genève pour s’implanter.
Building Bridges publie le programme de son forum 2021
Les inscriptions aux 77 événements, qui se dérouleront du 29 novembre au 2 décembre, sont désormais ouvertes.
COP26: Is Geneva Fit to Represent Sustainable Finance?
Geneva aspires to become a global hub for sustainable finance. While it has all the right players on the ground, it also hosts an industry rich in allegations of climate-unfriendly practices.
David Grimaud, Symbiotics: SDGs are the common language to understand impact investing
"The UN’s 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) have also helped to frame priorities for investors and create a “common language that everybody speaks”.
Switzerland promotes Geneva as international green capital
On 29 September 2021, Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer and the State Secretariat for International Finance (SIF) presented the candidacy dossier for the city of Geneva to the competent electoral body, the International Accounting Standards Board of the IFRS.
Personne n’est seul détenteur de la solution parfaite
Depuis janvier, Sandrine Salerno dirige l’association Sustainable Finance Geneva (SFG), qui, malgré sa taille modeste, est l’un des fleurons de la place pour avoir été pionnière dans un domaine aujourd’hui revendiqué par tous.
Symbiotics launches first 100% agricultural green bond in india with Samunnati
Symbiotics, the leading market access platform for impact investing, has arranged with Samunnati Financial Intermediation & Services Private Limited (“Samunnati”) its first Green Bond...
Un-convened financial centres for sustainability (FC4S) launches its 2021 Paris agreement alignment assessment programme
In 2020 the world lost nearly two million people to the COVID-19 pandemic.
«Building Bridges» devra incarner l'indispensable passage à l’acte de la communauté durable
Découvrez l’article Le Temps
Building Bridges 2021 : we are searching for an intern !
Interested in taking part to the Building Bridges 2021 ? Don’t hesitate to apply before July 31st !
Amandine Favier, WWF Switzerland: "time is running out, and there is still a lot to be done."
Amandine Favier is head of the Sustainable Finance department at WWF Switzerland, one of several national offices across the world that make up the global conservation organisation, which celebrated its 60th anniversary this year.
FC4S member egyptian financial regulatory authority launches the regional center for sustainable finance
UN-convened Financial Centres for Sustainability (FC4S) network member, the Egyptian Financial Regulatory Authority (FRA) recently announced the establishment of a new think-tank and training centre...
Le chat de Battelle
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France took a new and historic step on its journey to SDG5 in May 2021, when its legislator, the National Assembly, unanimously voted in favour of quotas for women in business leadership roles...
Rating the esg raters: why sustainable investing needs more independent verifiers
The past year has been a heyday for sustainable investing...
Symbiotics launches first sustainability bond in Georgia with MFO Crystal for USD 5 million in local currency equivalent
Symbiotics, the leading market access platform for impact investing, has arranged the first Sustainability Bond ever issued in Georgia by raising USD 5 million...
Sustainable investing will be most important source of future returns’, says geneva banking figure Patrick Odier
As plans for Building Bridges, Geneva’s flagship sustainable finance summit taking place later this year, get underway, we spoke to its president, Patrick Odier...
Au croisement de la finance verte et du numérique
Le plan d’action des FinTechs vertes sera débattu en présence du conseiller fédéral Ueli Maurer le 19 mai.
Building Bridges passe en mode participatif
La semaine genevoise de la finance durable, qui se tiendra du 29 novembre au 2 décembre, lance un appel aux entreprises, ONG et autres organisations souhaitant mettre sur pied des événements pendant ces journées.
Finance et durabilité – bientôt une finance internationale plus éco-responsable ?
Sandrine Salerno, directrice de SFG, et Fabio Sofia, Président, ont participé à l’émission radio de RTS la 1e « On va vers le beau »...
Sustainable finance and the talent challenge – Ireland’s story
In 2020 the world lost nearly two million people to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dorothée Baumann-Pauly : "Human rights and climate change are two sides of the same coin."
If environmental, social, governance (ESG) investing was a soundtrack, “S” would be the song too often skipped over for its more catchy “E” counterpart – the green, chart-topping hit that has crowds gathering at a certain Glasgow concert later this year.
Acting on the “S” in ESG and human rights
A session by Philipp Aeby, Anita Dorett, Fabio Sofia and Lilach Trabelsi
Keynote interview: « Companies and investors are in for a surprise regarding the impacts of evolving human rights regulations!”
A session by John Ruggie and Hugh Wheelan
Sandrine Salerno se met au service de la finance éthique
L’ancienne magistrate PS est devenue directrice d’une association travaillant avec la place financière.
RI interview: "I didn’t even know sustainable finance existed – it was a ‘wow’ moment" – geneva’s ex-mayor Sandrine Salerno on her move into sustainable finance
After joining SF Geneva as executive director this year, Salerno is calling for more digestible sustainable finance discussions
Sandrine Salerno réapparaît dans la finance durable
L'ancienne élue socialiste en ville de Genève, chargée des Finances de 2007 à juin 2020, dirige depuis janvier l’association Sustainable Finance Geneva, qui soutient la finance responsable.
B LAB et le Global Impact Investing Network relancent leur alignement sur leurs standards
B Lab et le Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN), deux organisations reposant sur des standards, ont travaillé en partenariat...
Travail des femmes et croissance à long terme
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Nathalie Fontanet: « les femmes apparaissent comme un catalyseur de la finance durable »
Alors que Genève cherche à se positionner en tant que capitale mondiale de la finance durable, le canton doit aussi faire face à des nombreux défis,...
Mark Halle – connecting financial centres
Sustainable Finance Geneva (SFG) was established to improve the alignment between financial activity and the requirements of sustainable development.
Genève, centre d’excellence de la recherche en finance
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Genève, fer de lance de la finance durable
Lisez l’article de Swiss Banking !
Geneva : leading the way on sustainable finance
Discover the article from Swiss Banking !
Gender lens initiative for switzerland
Sustainable Finance Geneva launches a Gender Lens Initiative for Switzerland
Swiss Initiative launched to sharpen focus on gender lens investing
A new initiative has been launched in Switzerland focused on growing investments that contribute gender equality and improving the lives of women and girls.
Modèle de durabilité 2021 de Yova
Environ 50 millions de tonnes de CO2 sont émises chaque année en Suisse.
La cohésion sociale en danger
Helvetia Durabilis : Une chronique préparée avec le soutien de Sustainable Finance Geneva et du Groupe AlphaMundi.
Clariter s’associe à bureau Veritas
Clariter, entreprise internationale de cleantech, a annoncé aujourd’hui avoir collaboré avec Bureau Veritas, leader mondial des essais, de l’inspection et de la certification.
Sustainable Finance Geneva will launch the gender lens initiative switzerland
Sustainable Finance Geneva will launch the Gender Lens Initiative Switzerland (“GLIS”)
Investors are finally waking up to the sdgs, but risk remains the elephant in the room
In this commentary on SDG-aligned investments, Ground_Up Project, a Geneva based investment adviser, suggests ways that investors can tailor the use of SDGs in their countries.
Écosystème de fonds d’impact sur les actifs privés d’une valeur de plus de 30 milliards USD
Press release: Private asset impact fund ecosystem worth over USD 30 billion – PAIF Report 2020
Actions pour la croissance verte ou obligations pour la transition climatique ?
To support coordination in delivery of the 2021 Building Bridges Summit and Week
Sustainable Finance Geneva is recruiting A PROJECT MANAGER
Yova lance une application novatrice
Yova lance une application novatrice qui permet à ses clients de suivre au quotidien les réductions de CO2 réalisées grâce à leurs investissements
Tim Radjy rejoint de comité de SFG
Le fondateur d’AlphaMundi Group en Suisse a été élu lors d’une Assemblée Générale 2.0.
SFG et SSF unissent leurs forces
La finance durable prend de l’ampleur en Suisse. Les acteurs principaux (banques et institutions financières) manifestent un intérêt croissant dans le domaine et de plus en plus d’actions concrètes sont menées en renforcement d’une place financière suisse, durable.
Ein börsenvorstoss setzt auf grüne Firmen
Ein Verband des Genfer Finanzplatzes will grüne und soziale Firmen an die Börse bringen. Passt zum Zeitgeist, ist aber ein schweres Unterfangen.
SWISOX en 8 images
Une infographie pour découvrir notre projet de Bourse des entreprises sociales...
"Il n'y a pas de choix à effectuer entre la performance et l'impact", déclare Katia Coudray, CEO de Asteria Investment Managers
Après la vente de RAM Active Investments voilà deux ans, le groupe Reyl se relance sur le front de l’asset management...
"Il est impératif de construire un nouveau paradigme économique", expliquent Aymeric Jung et Astadjam Bamanga
Financer aujourd’hui les solutions de demain?
Building Bridges : quelle aventure !
With the Week, made up of 31 events, organized by 52 partners, and an estimated 1000+ attendees, and the Summit that brought together 800 high level participants, 26 partners, and 36 speakers...
Build your own responsible investment process !
Registration for 2020 online Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Sustainable Finance to help finance professionals seize growing opportunities offered by responsible investment is now open.
Fabio Sofia, conviction durable
Le président de Sustainable Finance Geneva se démène pour faire de la Cité de Calvin un centre de la finance qui fait du bien à la planète.
Divulgation des émissions carbone et évaluation de l’entreprise, selon le professeur Philipp Krüger du SFI
Avec l’Accord de Paris sur le climat de 2015, la communauté internationale s’est fixé comme objectif de limiter l’augmentation du réchauffement climatique à 2 degrés Celsius d’ici 2100.
La finance durable à genève, vue par Patrick Odier
Apporter plus de finance aux ODD et amener plus d’ODD dans la finance
David Hiler, le collapsologue optimiste
Parmi les engagements de l’ancien conseiller d’Etat vert, Sustainable Finance Geneva tient une place centrale.
Cheryl Hicks, la femme qui parle des toilettes comme d’une mine d’or
Où l’on découvre qu’une coalition internationale, basée à Genève, considère que les toilettes du troisième millénaire ne coûteront rien...
Nadia Isler s’est imposé la durabilité pour mission
La directrice du SDG Lab au Palais des Nations à Genève s’efforce de trouver des solutions concrètes aux Objectifs de développement de l’ONU pour 2030.
Tim Radjy, bâtisseur de ponts financiers entre les deux rives genevoises
Il a été un pionnier de la finance d’impact.
CAS online training
Join the first online training in sustainable finance !
DAS en management durable
Le DAS en Management durable de la HEG-Genève propose un module ouvert au public sur le thème de la finance durable.
M-KOPA – Des solutions digitales pour résoudre des problématiques concrètes
Lors du 4e Geneva Summit on Sustainable Finance, SFG a rencontré Nick Hughes, précurseur dans les paiements digitaux en Afrique.
La paix vue comme un investissement durable, avec Melchior de Muralt
Lancé à Genève en janvier, le Peace Fund encourage les multinationales à mener des actions stabilisatrices dans les pays fragiles.
Investing for change
Le monde change la finance innove
Convaincu que la finance de demain se prépare aujourd’hui, Sustainable Finance Geneva (SFG) présente dans un livre 60 innovations financières face à 10 changements globaux pour promouvoir la finance durable.
From farm to fork: why agriculture needs innovation in finance
C’est la reconnaissance de l’importance de la finance durable par les autorités genevoises qui est à l’origine de notre venue à Milan le 21 septembre prochain.
La Suisse, leader mondial de la finance durable en 2015 ?
Sustainable Finance Geneva (SFG) et The Sustainability Forum Zürich (TSF) ont uni leurs forces pour publier un livre blanc...
10 innovations de la finance
A l’occasion de ses 5 ans, l’association Sustainable Finance Geneva a souhaité donner la parole à ces innovateurs dans un livre...
Un financier lâche tout pour l'agriculture BIO
Aymeric Jung a quitté les marchés pour accorder ses actions à ses convictions.
Le WWF et SFG pour des quartiers durables
En 2013, le WWF a mandaté SFG qui, en collaboration avec Implenia, partenaire du WWF dans la concrétisation du modèle One Planet Living, a exploré les enjeux financier...
Individual principles for responsible investment – IPRI
Ces principes ont pour but la mise en place d’un cadre d’analyse et de réflexion
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